Saturday, September 30, 2006

Rules for touch football

Setting Up

Find a large, grassy area to serve as your playing field.
Divide players evenly into two teams.
Have each team decide who will act as its quarterback and receivers.
Set your playing field's boundaries. The playing field should be rectangular, with an end zone at each end. Anything outside the playing area is out of bounds (much like a soccer field).
Decide whether you'll play one-hand touch or two-hand touch.
Choose a method of deciding a winner by limiting either playing time or points scored. For example, the winning team could be the one with the highest score at the end of an hour or the first team to score five points.
Determine if you'll be able to earn new "first downs." Traditionally, teams have four tries, or "downs," to gain at least 10 yards. If they do so, they start over with a new set of downs. Your field may not be long enough for this.
Flip a coin to decide which team will begin playing offense.

Playing the Game

The two teams split up to opposite sides of the field. One team "kicks off" the ball to the other team by throwing it to them. A runner from the other team is then able to pick the ball up and run it back until he/she is touched. If the ball holder drops the ball, any other player can grab it and run to their respective goal.

After a player is down (either touched or run out of bounds), play stops and the ball is set up in the middle of the field until the quarterback calls the next play.

Play pauses for a few seconds while the two teams discuss their strategies.

When the quarterback calls "Hike," play begins again. The quarterback can either hand off the ball to a player behind him/her or throw the ball downfield to a player. The other team can attempt to block a pass, but are not allowed to hit any players while doing so. If the ball is dropped, the play is dead. If a receiver catches the ball, he/she runs until either being touched, run out of bounds, or reaching the end zone (leading to a point for the team). If a player on defense catches the ball, he/she is allowed to run the ball the same way toward the opposite end zone.

After a team scores, they must "kick off," i.e., throw the ball across the field back to the other team.

Continue the game in this fashion until the point or time limit is reached.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

"Gypsy" by Suzanne Vega

You come from far away
With pictures in your eyes
Of coffeeshops and morning streets
In the blue and silent sunrise
But night is the cathedral
Where we recognized the sign
We strangers know each other now
As part of the whole design

Oh, hold me like a baby
That will not fall asleep
Curl me up inside you
And let me hear you through the heat

You are the jester of this courtyard
With a smile like a girl's
Distracted by the women
With the dimples and the curls
By the pretty and the mischievous
By the timid and the blessed
By the blowing skirts of ladies
Who promise to gather you to their breast

Oh, hold me like a baby...

You have hands of raining water
And that earring in your ear
The wisdom on your face
Denies the number of your years
With the fingers of the potter
And the laughing tale of the fool
The arranger of disorder
With your strange and simple rules
Yes now I've met me another spinner
Of strange and gauzy threads
With a long and slender body
And a bump upon the head

Oh, hold me like a baby...

With a long and slender body
And the sweetest softest hands
And we'll blow away forever soon
And go on to different lands
And please do not ever look for me
But with me you will stay
And you will hear yourself in song
Blowing by one day

Oh, hold me like a baby...

"Luka" by Suzanne Vega

My name is Luka
I live on the second floor
I live upstairs from you
Yes I think you've seen me before

If you hear something late at night
Some kind of trouble. some kind of fight
Just don't ask me what it was
Just don't ask me what it was
Just don't ask me what it was

I think it's because I'm clumsy
I try not to talk too loud
Maybe it's because I'm crazy
I try not to act too proud

They only hit until you cry
And after that you don't ask why
You just don't argue anymore
You just don't argue anymore
You just don't argue anymore

Yes I think I'm okay
I walked into the door again
Well, if you ask that's what I'll say
And it's not your business anyway
I guess I'd like to be alone
With nothing broken, nothing thrown

Just don't ask me how I am